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Friday, 28 December 2012

TCL has been acquired by the Qualitest Group. We are now the world's second largest pure-play Software Testing Services Company.

TCL has been acquired by the Qualitest Group.

About QualiTest

QualiTest Group is the world's second largest independent QA and testing company offering Quality Assurance and Software Testing services. Our software testing company is committed to improving quality by providing superior QA solutions to customers and partners worldwide as well as advancing QA and testing methodologies.
Through our 1,400 software testing professionals and our 14 Offices, we provide a variety of services to a broad portfolio of clients that include large and small organizations and global Fortune 500 companies. We have a strong presence in the USA, Europe, Israel and Asia. QualiTest serves a wide variety of markets, including aerospace & defense, government, insurance, telecom and many others.

QualiTest offers a wide variety of services to its customers, including:

Onshore testing
Quality assurance & testing outsourcing
Flexible staffing
Test Process Improvement (TPI)
Test automation
Load & performance testing
Full service testing and analysis laboratory
Testing tools and equipment
Application testing services

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The costly bug.

What is the cost of a software bug? According to this article, for Knight Capital, an American global financial services firm, it was at least $440 million due to a glitch in their legacy software. The loss was caused by a failure in an update meant to accommodate a new New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) system that went live on August 1. $440 million was lost in only 30 minutes, before it was manually shut down. That is not counting the additional damage caused to their reputation and stock valuation. This is not insignificant – Knight Capital is not some fly-by-night startup in a garage but rather the largest trader in American equities.

Knight’s glitch wasn’t the only technology failure we recently saw in the financial sector. NASDAQ OMX was forced to pay $62 million in a settlement compensating investors for the delay in trading Facebook shares during its IPO, caused by a “technical glitch.” BATS Global Markets was forced to cancel their IPO due to a “software bug” in their trading platform.

There is no dearth of examples of the mounting cost of software failures; you can catch a news article almost every day about some consumer product or the other, being recalled due to software issues, all top brands. As we begin to depend more and more on software, how do we ensure that these losses are kept to a bare minimum if not avoided totally?

Does the answer lie in more rigorous unit testing as one expert seems to suggest or in using better and safer programming standards as some others may say?  Unfortunately, there is no one magic pill , there are just many small steps that will ensure that you have adopted a “Zero Tolerance” approach to software failure, and you need to decide the "what-how-when" that will  best work for your company and your team culture.

It’s easy to blame the quality team or the developers for glitches but often the person accepting the poor quality software in a bid to push faster for more business, plays an equal if not greater part in creating a cycle of poor quality, and as a consequence, in the blind rush to release new software not only quality but innovation suffers too.

The shift towards better quality is a cultural shift that needs as many champions as you can muster; it will pay off slowly but surely. But as a Business Leader you will have to convince everyone involved in your organization that testing is not an option and not an extra cost, the ROI on testing more than justifies the need for it.

To know more about TCL's  Independent Software Testing Services, contact
Arun Kumar,

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Thursday, 25 October 2012

A great infographic on wastage in Healthcare Expenditure, in the US.

Thirty cents of every dollar spent on U.S. health care - a total of $750 billion - was wasted in 2009 on unnecessary services, excessive administrative costs, fraud and other problems, according to the prestigious Institute of Medicine. 
Read the full article.

Lessons to be learnt for all nations especially those like India, where wastage is not an option.

TCL India offers end-to-end independent software testing services to both healthcare service providers as well as HIT vendors. For more information mail

Some of our key Customers in Healthcare and Life Sciences include Philips, Indegene, Cancer Research UK, Santech, Emids, Walgreens and more.

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Friday, 28 September 2012

Smartphones for Smarter Healthcare.

Another great infographic on how smartphones are changing the way healthcare is delivered.

TCL India offers end-to-end independent software testing services to both healthcare service providers as well as HIT vendors. For more information mail

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Social media and healthcare 2012 Infographic

Here is a great snapshot of how Online & Social media are affecting Patients' communication preferences.

To Know more about our healthcare IT testing solutions contact:
Arun Kumar

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Friday, 14 September 2012

Some Key lessons For HIT Testing, from 2012 HIMSS Leadership Survey Senior IT Executive Results

Healthcare Technology Vendors need to align their offering with the overall trends that will impact the investment pattern in Healthcare Technology.

To this end, understanding the top technology and business concerns of the CIOs* of more than 600 hospitals throughout the United States, would be insightful to HIT vendors and IT Services marketers.

Healthcare reform and policy mandates continue to shape the future business priorities for healthcare IT executives, with achieving meaningful use as the most commonly cited key business objective for the next year.

When asked to identify the single information technology (IT) priority to be addressed at
their organization in the next two years, these were the top responses:

  • More than one third (38 percent) identified achieving meaningful use. 
  • Beyond meaningful use,approximately 15 percent of respondents identified a focus on clinical systems, such as computerized practitioner order entry (CPOE), electronic health records (EHRs) or eprescribing as their organizations’ top IT priority. 
  • Rounding out the top three responses was leveraging information through the use of a data warehouse, clinical decision support or evidence-based medicine. Thirteen percent of respondents identified this item.

Respondents were also asked to identify the primary focus their organization has with regard to clinical IT, financial IT and infrastructure at their organizations. These were their responses:

  • One quarter of respondents (25 percent) indicated that their primary clinical IT focus was to ensure the presence of a fully-operational EHR; also the top choice in 2011 (25percent). 
  • Focusing on physician systems (physician documentation; clinical decision support systems; installing a CPOE system) were other top focus areas, each issue selected by 16 percent of respondents. These were also top items in the 2011 survey.
  • Implementing CPT 10/ICD-10 continues to be the top focus for financial IT systems.Two-thirds of respondents (67 percent) indicated this to be their top financial IT focus.
  • The only other option selected by at least five percent of respondents was upgrading the patient billing system, identified by approximately six percent of respondents.
  • With regard to their top infrastructure priority, respondents were most likely to a focus on servers/virtual servers. This item was selected by 19 percent of respondents. It was also the top response in 2011. 
  • Rounding out the top three are a focus on mobile devices (18 percent) and virtual desktops/laptops (16 percent). Security systems were also identified by 16 percent of respondents.

When asked to identify the single key business objective their organization was trying to achieve in the next 12 months, these were the responses:

  • Approximately one quarter of respondents (24 percent) indicated achieving stage one meaningful use. This was also the top response in the 2011 survey. 
  • Nearly one-quarter of respondents (21 percent) selected improving patient care/quality of care.
  • The third highest response was sustaining financial viability (15 percent).

When given a group of categories from which to select  a business issue that will most impact healthcare in the next two years, these were the responses:

  • Approximately 40 percent of respondents identified healthcare reform, which includes items such as accountable care organizations (ACOs), new care models and payment structures. 
  • Nearly another quarter (23 percent) identified policy mandates such as ICD-10 and meaningful use as important issues
  • Once again financial considerations such as demand for capital or creating new revenue sources,rounds out the top three responses; this was selected by 14 percent of respondents.

*The average bed size of the hospitals in this survey is 479. Approximately half of respondents reported to hold title of Chief Information Officer (CIO), at either the corporate-level (36 percent) or the facility level (15 percent). Another 42 percent of respondents reported their title to be Director of IS/IT. The remaining respondents reported a variety of titles including Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO), Chief Nursing Information Officer (CNIO) and other IT professionals

TCL India offers end-to-end independent software testing services to both healthcare service providers as well as HIT vendors. For more information take a look at our brochure or mail

Tcl software testing solutions in health care v0 04 vs 07092012 from Transition Consulting Limited, India

To know more about our Healthcare IT testing solutions, contact
Arun Kumar

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Friday, 7 September 2012

The Future of Healthcare is Already at Your Fingertips [INFOGRAPHIC]

To Know more about our healthcare IT testing solutions contact:
Arun Kumar

For details refer to the mashable post where this infographic originally appeared.

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

TCL Zappers meetup 14th August 2012, Bangalore Golf Club

Zappers is a peer-sharing event and Zappers community members believe in learning from each other and sharing testing knowledge to raise the standard of testing throughout the UK and internationally. More importantly they believe in having a good time doing this and so all events include free food and drinks and are totally free to enter.

If you are a Software Tester and would like to know more about Zappers and attend future Meetups in London, Bangalore or Boston; visit this page and register yourself.

Press release zappers india aug 14 2012 v 1.00 vs 210812 from Transition Consulting Limited, India

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Friday, 22 June 2012

Telecom Software Quality and the Benefits of Independent Software Testing

For Telecom companies the need for Business transformation and differentiation through customised, consumer-focused, high-end services has never been greater.
Needless to add, this will be possible only through better software.
Better software, while keeping costs in check and time-to-market as sacrosanct.

With some of the Top European Telecom companies as our customers, TCL is working on some of the most complex Software Projects to launch the next-generation of 4G services in Europe.We have delivered demonstrable business value to these Telecom Giants.

Some of the key business benefits of Independent Software Testing are explained in our previous post the Pros and Cons of Independent Software Testing.

In a nutshell: Apart from the truly unbiased and through approach to testing, Independent Testing delivers real value through Focus on the end-user’s perspective,best results are seen when testing starts right in the beginning through what is popularly known as development stage testing.
Also, w
hile independent testing may not bring down costs immediately, it delivers positive ROI 

by directly affecting three critical factors namely quality, risk, and time to market.
Some of the testing services we offer for Telecom are:

Handset / Application Testing:
Basic radio, signaling, protocols, field testing for IOT, handover and roaming
Functional and usage testing for core mobile handset applications like SMS, call hold / transfer etc.
Testing of various applications like sports, finance, and location based services
OSS-BSS Testing:
Mediation, provisioning, network management, element management
EAI, data warehousing, CRM & ERP
Billing, customer case, interconnect billing, revenue assurance, order management and fraud management

Access products covering Broadband Access products systems and traditional narrowband.
Enterprise switches focusing on services and core IP routers
Wireless Products related to GSM, GPRS, UMTS and CDMA & WLAN technologies
Network Management & Element Management Systems
Convergence & Collaborative Products devices, Media Gateways, Soft Switches, Signaling gateways, IN Systems
Transport products
Wireless Internet applications - Mobile portals, Voice portals, Location based services, SMS based applications
Billing & mediation systems
Security products firewalls, NAT, IDS, Access Gateways, etc
Domain expertise in Telecom with International Consulting Teams
Manage test services in a multi-vendor and multi-technology environments
Rigour of proven methodologies and people
Attention to streamlining and improving the entire testing department/process.
Meticulous KM, Reporting and Documentation
KTs and Training
Convergence & Collaborative Products devices, Media Gateways, Soft Switches, Signaling gateways, IN Systems
Improve customer retention with initiatives such as product bundling, multi-channel customer experience management, converged billing, customer portals and mobility solutions.

To Know more about our Independent Software Testing and Quality Services for
Telecom Software mail us today and set up an in-depth discussion.

Arun Kumar

Friday, 15 June 2012

The Pros and Cons of Independent Software Testing

Those in a nutshell are the advantages and disadvantages of Independent Software Testing.
Just to recap the advantages once again:

Project/Department level benefits through better Testing & Quality Results:

·         Unbiased and fresh view which reveals defects that can't be detected otherwise, but can be crucial for the market success of the software product
·         Strict adherence to customer's (not development vendor's) business goals and objectives
·         Independence of a development team so that they are unable to influence testing results
·         Substantial decrease of risks (e.g., unrealised cost reduction, unrealised quality promises) in outsourcing software development projects
·         Access to the scarce/expensive talents or vertical expertise
·         Access to innovations and large Knowledge Base
·         In-house testing processes improvement

Overall Cost and organizational level benefits:

·         Focus on core business activities, money is freed up for investment in business expansion or revenue-producing activities
·         Economy of capital investment: saving on test environment / tools purchasing and maintenance. Saving of office space, no need to hire, train, fire additional employees in the peaks of testing activities
·         Difference in personnel wages and infrastructure costs in different countries (Offshoring, as an option becomes available through testing services provider)
·         Better customer satisfaction, more revenue, higher ROI
·         More appeal for investors

To Know more about our ecommerce testing solutions contact:
Arun Kumar

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Thursday, 14 June 2012

How can ecommerce create the magic of great shopping experiences?

Things couldn’t be better for ecommerce right now, with growth holding steady even during the economic downturn, and  the explosion of mobile internet that promises to keep the future of online shopping rosy.
But the thing with Business is, just when things start looking easy, the challenges appear.
And in the case of ecommerce the big challenge could be consumer fatigue with the online medium, and the missing "shopping" experience, especially on the smaller screens.

Imagine the excitement of dressing up well, getting your friends along, arriving at a posh store, experiencing the ambience of well designed windows and displays, walking through the aisles of lovely merchandise and attentive sales people, touching and smelling objects of desire, trying on stuff, buying it, discussing the buys over lunch and finally returning home with the kill, this is a beautiful part of life for most people, especially young women.
Perfectly delightful image.

Now imagine sitting alone in your pajamas, on your unmade bed, browsing an online store on your laptop squinting your eyes and hoping the sizes mentioned are okay and that the style you’ve selected suits you. Disturbingly geeky and dull image.

Even if online stores can offer more choice, better and cheaper merchandise, the experience of real shopping has plenty of pull left in it to spoil the party for many a pure-play ecommerce store.

So how, if at all, can an ecommerce store try to capture the experience of shopping rather than just the mechanics? While it is possible to create great in-store experiential retail moments with the use of technology, as discussed in this recent article in TIME, and in this article about the recently opened experiential Golfsmith Christiana store ;  it is far more difficult to create personalized and exciting life-like shopping experiences online.

We can augment reality with digital experiences but how does one augment digital experiences with reality?
No easy answers, but here are some things that real life shopping delivers, that ecommerce can try and emulate better.

1) Personalize the buying experience beyond just the basics of “ Hi so-and-so!”.
Keep track of what I liked, wish-listed, browsed and spent time looking at, offer me personalized merchandising and promotions, be my trusted adviser.
2) Merchandising needs to be spectacular, given that I can only see the items through the camera’s eyes, I need all the details you can give me. Can you show me how the garment moves? Can you show me how the fabric looks when crushed? Can you zoom up real close and show me the finishing on the garment? 
Is there virtual fitting app or can I get an online video assistant at the store to hold up the garment and show me the details I need to see?
No, that’s not science fiction.

3) What about the unique story of the interaction between the brand and each customer? Does each transaction that happens create a unique story in the mind of the buyer, a story that will make them tell others about the experience, smile when they remember it and come back to your store, when they need to feel a certain way?

ecommerce stores that make the extra effort will reap the rewards.
But know this, real life stores aren't (and shouldn't be) going away anytime soon.

So online and real-life Retail will have to learn from each other and evolve together while pure play ecommerce stores will really have to up their game to keep the customers coming back for more.

To Know more about our ecommerce testing solutions contact:
Arun Kumar

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:


Wednesday, 13 June 2012

ecommerce: Five things to know this week, 13th June 2012

Ecom newsletter 13062012
View more documents from Transition Consulting Limited, India

To Know more about our ecommerce testing solutions contact:
Arun Kumar

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

ecommerce: Five things to know this week, 6th June 2012

Ecom newsletter 06062012
View more documents from Transition Consulting Limited, India

To Know more about our ecommerce testing solutions contact:
Arun Kumar

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Friday, 1 June 2012

Great infographic on how customers respond to bad service.

To Know more about our ecommerce testing solutions contact:
Arun Kumar

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

ecommerce: Five things to know this week, 30th May 2012

Here is this week's edition of five things to know this week.
Ecom newsletter 30052012
View more documents from Transition Consulting Limited, India

To Know more about our ecommerce testing solutions contact:
Arun Kumar

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Digital omnivores and device proliferation: For ecommerce, the future simply isn't what it used to be.

Roughly a year back, in August 2011 comScore released a report which said that the top five global markets including Singapore and Australia already showed more that 5% of their total internet traffic coming from Non-PC sources, which means Smartphones and other mobile devices (mostly tablets).India showed about 3-4% traffic from these sources.

Flash forward to 2020 and research suggests a major leap in those figures, with Brazil, Russia, India, and China (the “BRIC” countries) leading in both mobility adoption and innovation.
The ongoing mobile wave has started an ecommerce (m is e too) revolution that will only grow bigger.

Given the fast changing market scenario and the limitless possibilities, making a choice as to what is appropriate for your business and your brand, is a daunting task.Anyone who tells you that they can give you a formula that will work flawlessly for a time period of more than a few months, is, to put it bluntly, exaggerating to the point of lying.

There is no sure path, but research based on what is transpiring “out there” as of now, suggests a number of issues that will have to be faced sooner than later, how you choose to prioritise and deal with them, is up to you. It is after all, as they say, your party.
  • Social programs will remain a top priority. 
  • Facebook has broken away from the pack and is now a distinct priority for most B2C companies
  • A growing number of tools, technologies, and skill sets will make it a challenge to manage them all
  • Complexities in Delivering consistent (but nuanced) user experiences across touch-points
  • Consumers will Feel the Lack of Back-End Integration
  • Personalisation, A/B testing, and tablet devices are top on the emerging initiatives list
  • Limited visibility into what’s working and what’s not, despite the big-data hype
  • Marketing with mobile coupons
  • Greater use of location-based services and augmented reality
  • Using mobile devices like cash
  • More devices, software applications and complex multi-channel back-end operations that require more integration and monitoring, and also enhanced quality and testing efforts

To Know more about our ecommerce testing solutions contact:
Arun Kumar

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit:

ecommerce:Five things to know this week, 21st May 2012

Here is the Link to this week's edition.
Just 5 stories.

Ecom newsletter 21052012
View more documents from Transition Consulting Limited, India

To Know more about our ecommerce testing solutions contact:
Arun Kumar

TCL is a specialist consultancy in software testing.  As a company, our core purpose is to Develop and Deliver World Class Solutions in Software Testing that are Innovative, Structured and Professional.
The company exists to meet the needs of our clients who strive to ensure that their IT projects create value and demonstrate return for their investment.  We are geared to deliver services in all areas of software testing including functional, non functional and process improvement.
The first TCL company was based in the UK (Transition Consulting Limited) and the group has now expanded to include enterprises in the US and India.  A further expansion into Australia or New Zealand is expected within the next five years.
For more details visit: